
- Date stiintifice, institutii de cercetrae
- Organizatii nonguvernamentale
- Institutii educationale
- Centre de invatamint superior
- Centre de invatamint preuniversitar
Resurse legate de studiul
educatiei ecologice
Siteuri cu dezvoltare de curriculum pentru educatie
GREEN Global River Environmental
Education Program
ETE Exploring
the environment
Global Lab Global
Lab Curriculum
Concord Consortium
Concorde Consortium
Learning Modules
World Bank Learning
Modules World Bank
Resurse legate de dezvoltarea durabila:
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Bibliografie scrisa Educatie ecologica
1. ***, 1986, 1988, 1995, 1997- Connexion, Bulletin de l'education relativ
a l'environnement, UNESCO-PNUE.
2. ***, 1995- Project "Learning Tree", EE activity guide, American
Forest Foundation, Washington USA, 402p.
3. **, 1995 - Diversitatea lumii vii. Determinatorul ilustrat al florei
si faunei Romaniei. ed. S.P.Godeanu Vol.I - Mediul marin, coord. G.I.Muller,
Ed.Bucura Mond, Bucuresti, 384 pag.
4. ***, 1997- Black Sea Biological Diversity, Romania, BSEP Series, vol
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7. BACESCU, M.;MULLER, G.I.;GOMOIU, M.-T., 1971 - Ecologie marina, vol
IV, Ed. Academiei RSR, 357 pag.
8. BONES, D, 1994- Getting started. A guide to bringing EE into your classroom
, Univ. of Michigan, USA, 138 p.
9. BONNEFOUS, E, 1990- Reconcilier l'homme et la nature, Presses Universitaires
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13. BRAUS, J.A.; MONROE, M.C., 1994- Designing effective workshops, School
of Natural Resources and Environment, Univ. of Michigan, 1994, 36 p.
14. CAMOZZI, A., 1994- Adult EE. A workbook to move from words to action.
Learning for environmental action program, International Council for Adult
Education, 36 p.
15. DISINGER, J.F.; MONROE, M.C., 1994- Defining EE, School of Natural
Resources and Environment, Univ. of Michigan, 40 p.
16. ENGLESSON, D.C.; YOCKERS, D.H., 1994- A guide to curriculum planning
in environmental education, Wisconsin Departament of Public Instruction,
Milwaukee, USA. 167 p.
17. FRANK, J.; ZAMM, M., 1994- Urban EE, School of Natural Resources and
Ennvironment, Univ.of Michigan, 48 p.
18. GILLMAN, M., 1993- Biological conservation, The Open University, WaltonHall,
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19. GIRARDET, h., 1996- The Gaia Atlas of "CITIES". New directions
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23. GOMOIU, M.-T., 1998 - Notes on the flora and fauna of the Danube Delta,
112 pag.
24. LINGELBACH, J.; GARRETT, L., 1995- Programe de EE pentru tineri, ETP,
101 p.
25. MATENCO, L.; PARANICI, B., 1996-Black Sea NGO Directory, Ed. Coresi,
Bucuresti, 134 p.
26. MEE, L., 1998- Black Sea Environmental Programme- 1997 annual report,
UNDP, UNEP, The World Bank, Phare, Tacis, 35 p.
27. MONROE, M.C.; CAPPAERT, D.,1994- Integrating EE into the school curriculum,
School of Natural Resources and Environment, Univ. of Michigan, 56 p.
28. NEACSU, P.; APOSTOLACHE-STOICESCU, Z., 1982- Dictionar de ecologie,
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30. RAMADE, F., 1981- Ecologie des ressources naturelles, Mason, 309 p.
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33. RUSKEY, A.; WILKE, R., 1994- Promoting environmental education: an
action handbook for strenghtening EE in your state and community, Univ.
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34. SCHREMER, A.,1995- Cum sprijinim scolile in implementarea EE?, in
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pentru Eco-Dezvoltare de la Univ. Petrol-Gaze Ploiesti, p.1-18.
35. STUGREN, B.; KILLYEN, H., 1975- Ecologie- probleme generale si de
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37. STUGREN, B.,1994- Ecologie teoretica, Ed. Sarmis, Cluj, 187 p.
38. TOFFLER, A., 1983- Al treilea val, Ed. Politica, Bucuresti, 684 p.
39. VAIDEANU, G., 1983- Educatia la frontiera dintre milenii, Ed. Politica,
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40. WILKE, R.J., 1993- EE. Teacher resources handbook. A practical guide
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41. YOUNG, A.J.; McELHONE, M.J., 1986- Guidelines for the development
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42. . ZENKEVICI, L.,A, 1947 - Fauna si productivitatea biologica marina,
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