For information contact Mary Calcatera or Nate Lambertson at 517-349-5777
Fax: 517-349-8560
The mission of the Nokomis
Learning Center, a private, non-profit organization administered by
a cooperative board of Native Americans and other members of the community,
is to preserve and present the culture and traditions of the "People
of the Three Fires"--the Ottawa, Potawatomi, and Ojibway. Nokomis
means "Grandmother" in the language of the Ojibway. Native
American Grandmothers have traditionally passed the wisdom of the elders
to the children. The Nokomis Learning Center will strive to present
this wisdom--the arts, crafts, everyday skills, and beliefs--to the
children, families, and other residents of Mid-Michigan and beyond through
exhibits, educational programs, and special events.
For Your Community...
The Nokomis Learning Center makes Central Park, with its 275 acres of
natural area, even more a Cultural, educational and recreational focal
point for the whole community. The Center answers specialized community
needs. * It enhances Meridian's historical preservation efforts by extending
them to Native American History, an area with which most citizens of
the region are unfamiliar. *It reinforces the community's high standard-of-educational
excellence by serving as resource center for our schools, with rotating
displays and exhibits built around required primary and secondary school
curricula. *It promotes multi-cultural awareness and understanding among
the members of our diverse community.
And for You... The
Nokomis Learning Center promises high returns both for our community
and for our children. The Center enhances historical knowledge, multi-cultural
awareness and educational excellence, while providing opportunities
for volunteer involvement and united community effort.
The Woodlands Indian Community
Center is in the process of being added to the United Way list of organizations.
The Woodlands Indian Community Center is a non-profit organization.
At present, they are doing small programs such as reinstating the American
Indian Senior luncheon program, a tutoring program for the Native Youth,
cultural programming for the local community as well as the annual Ghost
Supper in November and the annual Christmas party. The Woodlands Indian
Community's United Way's number is 2334. This year you will not see
it listed on the brochure but donations can be given to the Woodlands
with the United Way number.