When we are young we often take health for granted, but health issues can have an enormous influence on development. Moreover, the threats to our health can come from many different directions: malnutrition, lack of basic health care, environmental pollution, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, tobacco and drug abuse, and others. Without their health, people cannot lead fulfilling, productive lives, yet much of the world's population suffers from ailments that could be prevented with the proper treatment and information. Explore this page to discover why and how international organizations like the World Bank are committed to investing in people's health. You might want to start with the Bank's strategy in the fields of health, nutrition, and population and then visit some of the other sites below.
Health, Nutrition, and Population
This is the main World Bank web site for health and the related issues of nutrition and population. It contains wide range of useful web pages, reports, and articles. You may find the following sites especially helpful:
AIDS: For Schools
This web site features the four major World Bank AIDS sources:
Expanding the Response, AIDS Economics, UNAIDS, and the AIDS Africa Page. Explore this site to find out what AIDS is and its impact on development around the world. You will also find information about how you can protect yourself and also become involved in an international youth campaign to help battle AIDS.
Early Childhood Development
Check out this site to find out how the care provided during early childhood years shapes the futures of individuals and their nations.
Health and Environment
Bellagio Statement on Tobacco and Sustainable Development
Did you know that if today's young people continue to smoke at the same rate,about 300 million will eventually be killed by tobacco use? Examine this article
to learn about how tobacco threatens human life and sustainable development. See also "Next Decade Crucial For Tobacco Control" for a brief outline of the World Bank's position on tobacco smoking and controls.
Explore these pages from World Development Indicators, 1999 to find data on gender for over 140 of the world's countries.
To view these pages you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have it, you may download it
here for free.
Around the World |
Catch Them Young: The Tamil Nadu Nutrition Project
Read about how the Tamil Nadu Nutrition Project (TINP) in India makes available a threefold package of nutrition, education, and health services.
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Read a project leader's first hand account of a health system reform project in Laos that began as a project to help control the malaria epidemic and turned out differently than everyone expected.
Digging deeper |
Tackling the Issues
Health is associated with other issues that in their turn affect human health. Explore issues like Population, Gender, Education as well as Poverty, Pollution, and Water and Sanitation.
Health Reform on-line
Access this site to read about current issues in health reform. Learn about the economic and social obstacles decision makers encounter when trying to improve the quality and access people have to health care.
Health Reform on-line/library
This site provides links to reports and web sites that deal with health reform and other health-related issues.