Visit with people around the world to see what development means outside of the World Bank offices. Here you will find articles and opinion pieces written by students, journalists, development workers (including World Bank staff), and others who give their views and experiences of development.
The Faces of Inclusion |
The photos and personal stories in this on-line exhibit tell of people who are striving to overcome social exclusion and take charge of their own lives. Find out first-hand how their lives are affected by development projects.
Children Look to the Horizon |
Virtual Gallery By Children from Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, and Romania |
Over 5,000 children and students from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, FYR Macedonia, and Romania took part in art and essay contests on their vision of the future for themselves, their city, their country, and region. Visit this web site to view the children's paintings.
Students at Mengo Senior Secondary School, Uganda |
Read what students from Mengo Senior Secondary School in Uganda think about sustainable development. In this article for the Sustainable Development Post students explore how population growth can be both a help and a hindrance to development in Uganda.
A Former Korean Journalist |
Former Korean journalist Shinok Park gives a personal view of the Asian financial crisis as it affected her home city of Seoul. "Despite growing uneasiness and blame in Seoul, I could feel a strong consensus among Koreans to regain economic vitality and fix the country's problems. Reform is the burning issue under discussion�