Cities, large and small, are at the heart of a fast changing global economy--they are a cause of and response to world economic growth. Already at the beginning of the 21st century, 50% of the world�s population will be living in urban areas. As a result, cities will play an increasingly important role in the economic standing of nations. Explore the links on this web page to learn about the challenges of rapid urbanization.
Urban in the Bank
Explore this web site to learn about the challenges of urbanization. Check out
Visit the
section for snapshots of urban statistics, current projects, and best practices
in urban issues. Explore Urban
Age magazine and other
publications for worldwide perspectives on urban affairs not available elsewhere.
Social Capital and Urban Development
In urban areas, with their anonymity and fast pace, trust among people can be difficult to develop and
sustain. Rich and poor live and work close to each other, but rarely develop relationships. Visit this
PovertyNet web page to learn more
about challenges of equality, ethnicity, safety nets, and more for people living in cities.
Global Urbanization Trends: Implications for Food Systems and Food Security
This working paper sketches a global perspective on urbanization and draws out the implications for the global food system and food security.
Urban Challenges to Food and Nutrition Security
Malnutrition in the poorest areas of cities often rivals that found in rural areas. Explore this
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) web page
to learn about research findings that can help to reduce food insecurity and malnutrition in urban areas.
Livable cities for the 21st century
This web page contains speeches on Urban Issues Delivered by the World Bank Officials, news releases,
description of the World Bank priorities
and challenges
of rapid urbanization.
News Articles on Urbanization
Read these magazine articles for an overview of the challenges of urbanization:
Explore these pages from World Development
Indicators, 1999 to find data on urbanization for over 140 of the world's countries.
To view these pages you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have it, you may download
it here for free.
Physical Infrastructure
Visit this site for more data that show the level of urbanization in a country. Check out the
data on Paved Road Density
and Air City Pairs.
Click on any of the indicators for its definition and a ranking of the world's countries. For other
competitiveness indicators, click here.
Around the World |
China. Industrial Pollution Related Projects in China
Check out the summary documents on urban environment projects in China that discuss pollution issues
related to urbanization. If you want to learn more about pollution and industrial pollution in general, go to
New Ideas in Pollution Regulation home page.
Indonesia. Enhancing the Quality of Life in Urban Indonesia
The report looks at the medium- to long-term impacts of four projects designed mainly to alleviate poverty
by improving housing and basic infrastructure in low-income, densely populated areas known as kampungs.
Improving Urban Services in Nairobi
This OED Pr�cis article describes a project in Nairobi that brought critical water and sewerage services to
rapidly growing business areas and poor neighborhoods in the eastern section of Nairobi and thus helping in
the economic growth of the city.
Community Development in Colombia
Read this OED Pr�cis article to learn about an urban development project that was judged to be a
failure but turned out to be a good foundation for later development.
Digging deeper |
Tackling the Issues
Urbanization is closely associated with other issues that in their turn either accelerate or slow urbanization
process. Explore issues like
Water and Sanitation,
Sustainable Development, as well as others.
WBI Urban
The Bank is gearing up to respond to the challenges of urban development and city management through an
urban initiative. Learn more about it by visiting this web page prepared by the
World Bank Institute.
Operations Evaluations Department
Check out this web page for a list of publications on urban development. Explore these links to learn more
about urbanization challenges in countries that interest you.
Industry, Infrastructure, & Urban Development Publications
Visit this web page for a list of publications on Industry, Infrastructure, and Urban Development.
World Bank Electronic Media Products and Services. The Film and Video Unit Library
The Film and Video Unit Library is a collection of more than 50 documentary and informational films and
videos made for television or development situations. Among the films on
there are two specifically on urban issues: "Curitiba: A City of the Future" and "The Urban Dilemma".
Find other media products on
Electronic Media Products and Services site.