1. Choose a topic. What type of article do you want to write? You can do a news story on a sustainable development project you know of. For example, you could report on your neighborhood�s recycling project. Or you can do an opinion piece on what sustainable development is and how we can work toward achieving it. The type of article you write and the specific topic are your choice�just as long as you write about sustainable development. 2. Research and interview. As a reporter for the SD Post, your job is to be informative and convincing. Find out what has already been written about your topic and use this information to support your article. Conducting interviews is an especially effective way to get current, exclusive information. Don�t hesitate to contact key resource people for facts and opinions. They will be flattered that you asked them! 3. Write it up. If you are reporting on an event or a project, your readers will want to know who did what, how, when, why, and where. These are the six basic questions your article should address. If you are writing an opinion piece, readers will want to know what you think and�more important�why you think that way. No matter what kind of article you are writing, grab the attention of your readers in your first few sentences. Make them want to read more! 4. Send us your story. Articles can be submitted through e-mail ([email protected]) or attached as Word or ASCII text files. If possible, attach photos or drawings in jpg, gif, or tif graphics format to go with your article. Articles may also be submitted by mail to: Articles should be no longer than 400 words. We will perform minor editing as needed and will put articles on line as space allows. |