
The principales activities for curriculum development will be:
1. Establish a multiple teams for the curriculum development. It's preferable
to work in an interdisciplinary team form by scientists, representatives
of NGOs, teachers of difference specialties: geography, biology, physics,
chemistry. I think this 3 teem structure have multiple advantage:
Teem 1: made by scientists will develop the learning tools for every topics
(text, tables with data, charts, maps, images, case studies, proposals
for researches, assessments, references,). All learning tools must be
available in a digital format. These primary elements will be used by
the teachers for developing lessons like in a puzzle.
Teem2: made by teachers from different levels of the school (primary,
secondary, high school) work with the lessons from teem1 for developing
different educational way for using the curriculum. They will develop
on a linear way sequence by sequence, without choices and other with multiple
links for individual way of parcurgere a materiei. The same topics will
be available for primary, secondary and high school level. If students
want to know more about a topic he can change the level. The output of
this group will be on paper. The teachers from the teem2 will be the same
who will implement the curriculum in their schools using the portable
Teem 3: web integration and web design (form by Cristina Nenciu, Florin
Serbu and a web designer). This team put the materials from the scientists
and teachers on the web. The web site can help teachers in using this
curriculum with different kind of level:
Without computer and without overhead projector: lessons on paper listed
from pdf files
Without computer but with overhead projector: lessons on paper and slides
With computer but without Internet access: the curriculum on CD-ROM in
HTML format � With Internet access: the curriculum from the server, and
with all the additional Internet resources
2. For demonstration purpose the IW:LEARN Romanian implementation teem
(Cristina Nenciu and Florin Serbu) will develop 2 topics for case studding
with Team 1 and Team 2
3. It will be very useful to introduce in the curriculum gaming simulation
for some environmental issues for example:
� The conflicts between the Danube states and the Black Sea States
� The future developing of the Danube Delta (reservation, agriculture
or tourism?
� The oil route from Caspian Sea to Europe
� The Nuclear power plant from Koslodui (Bulgaria) and Cernavoda (Romania)
For developing these games we need the support of David Fairman.
4. Methodology and list of the topics proposed for the curriculum.
We will tray to develop this curriculum using three different approaches:
� interdisciplinary knowledge in the traditional way of the Romanian school
� problem-based learning (by placing students in the active role of problem
solvers confronted with problem that mirrors real-world problems) - Exploring
the Environment� NASA Classroom of the Future
� learning science by doing science collaborating with other international
projects based on the experimental monitoring of the water
5. The three dimensional model of the curriculum
6. Forms of assessment for the class. It is important to assess individuals
but in the same time teams from the classroom. Some forms of assessment
can be: oral presentations (debates, games, interviews, plays or skits,
simulations games), art projects (wall chart, poster, mural, map, graffiti),video
tapes, computer presentations ( Power Point, Web page, Ulead Photoimpact),team
portfolios, writings (articles for school newspapers, radio or TV scripts),
7. Advantage of the proposed model for the curriculum development
� The system is open, the topics and the learning tools for every topics
can be modified all the time if the feedback from the implementation team
is not good.
� Teem2 is in the same time the implementation teem
� The motivation of the three working groups is very good and adapted
to the Romanian conditions
� The persons from the same team can work independently on different topics.
� The homogeneity of the whole work will be done by the layout of the
web pages
� The output of the project will have a very big methodological complexity
using: linear structure, hypertext structure and different age level structure.