Black Sea schools International Water project
"If education has any function, any justification, it
is to prepare young people for the future"
Alvin Toffler
"Information technologies are the most vital force for
change in Education, because they create exciting new options for Teaching
and learning. Our mission is to stimulate the needed Change by creating
innovative opportunities to learn that use Information technologies."
"The Concord Consortium, web page"

Depletion of natural resources and accumulation of pollutants, mainly
due to short-sighted decisions, heavily affects Black Sea coastal zones
with little regard for environmental protection. The considerable complexity
of this situation necessarily involves all countries which border the
Black Sea. Therefore it is of paramount importance that current and future
data concerning this major environmental resource is shared with all concerned
parties. Inconsistent consultation with public constituents has contributed
to an acute lack of environmental awareness. Some important causes for
this situation are: a paucity of financial support to educational institutions;
the lack of environmentally directed curricula in schools (all age groups)
and inadequate financial and educational resources for teachers.
The following points should be considered in any attempt to forge a solution
to the aforementioned problems:

1. Practical field and environmental education experience has been accumulated
by a number of Black Sea NGOs and educational establishments (e.g: Bulgarian
summer camp for Lake Sabla, Monitor of Crimean Protected Areas by NGOs
and school children). Teachers from various Black Sea schools have attended
international events, for example the Black Sea University Summer Workshops
during August of 1997 and the Black Sea Teacher's Conference held in Istanbul
during February of 1998. The both events received support from the GEF
Black Sea Environmental Programme (BSEP).
2. The Black Sea Teacher's Meeting revealed difficulties in practicing
environmental education (referred to hereafter as "E.E") in public schools
from Black Sea region;
- (i) EE is not incorporated into the school curriculum,
- (ii) teachers lack training in the E.E methods and their practical
- (iii) there are virtually no E.E materials based on the ecological
realities of the Black Sea region, and
- (iv) the funding for their development is not available through current
national sources.
3. In December 1997 the Black Sea N.G.O Forum decided to establish an
Environmental Education Working Group after which a plan of activities
was created.
4. Environmental education is formally recognised as a priority interest
for the International community to be included within the Black Sea Strategic
Action Plan. You must explain here that you are listing the reasons for
the above statement in the headings below. This could be done with a single
appropriate heading:

May 1995, Mediterranean and Black Sea Day Campaign, supported by local
sponsors and the Soros Foundation for Open Society.
After a photography exhibition and school lectures were organised six
groups of 20 children participated in shore clean-up activity. Previously
they had attended an educational campaign between adults and schoolchildren
focusing upon an area north of Constanta called Faleza Nord which is
heavily affected by uncontrolled waste dumping. Educational materials
on waste management and necessity to create a public attitude concerning
uncontrolled waste dumps were elaborated and disseminated to 'Faleza
Sud' school children and teachers. The school children prepare manifests
concerning the waste issue in their neighborhood and disseminated them
to their parents and others inhabitants.
June - September 1995; Public Awareness and Environmental Education
Project in the frame of E.I.A, E.A., I.C.Z.M and Public Awareness Program
funded by P.H.A.R.E and T.A.C.I.S 1994 Black Sea Project:
An environmental education booklet was printed setting forth special
instruction on topics relating to the Romanian coastline. This was presented
to approximately 100 children including a field trip to the coast and
the dissemination of environmental information via radio interviews
and short public announcements.
Establishment of the Black Sea Center for Environmental Education,
Information and Resources; October 1996
This centre is managed by Mare Nostrum NGO receiving funds from both
the European Union, the Field Studies Council (UK), the British Council
(Bucharest) and local foundations. The centre offer training on environmental
education, support for teachers to organise indoor and outdoor activities
focused on Black Sea and Danube Delta issues, disseminate data and information
on up-mentioned issues (Romanian pollution hot spots, decreasing of
biodiversity, uncontrolled dumping, quality of sea and fresh water,
impact of different company activities on coastal area and human health,
etc). The centre coordinated some project in which scientists, academicians
and different personalities of the area were invited to present information
on Black Sea issues to the teachers and students. A very successful
project is in implementation. The project was started in February 1998
and will be finished by the end of this year and was partially financed
by Ministry of Youth of Romania. network of 5 schools from Constanta
town communicate with scientists from Romanian Marine Research Institute,
by e-mail on issues like: pollution from waste waters treatment plants
Constanta South and Nord, effect of sea polluted water on human and
animal health and quality of fresh water in Constanta town. The information
offered from scientists will be presented on Internet by the end of
this year. Meetings of students, teachers, NGO representatives, and
scientists and researchers from Romanian Water Authority, Romanian Marine
Research Institute, Ovidius University were organised. Students and
teachers organised field research and identified the number of sea outfall,
channels connected with the sea. The centre is functioning as a link
nod between different stakeholders of Constanta County coastal zone.
Centre assure a flow of information and knowledge among his clients.
The clients centre are: NGOs, scientists and researchers, teachers and
students from schools, high-schools and colleges, affected groups due
to pollution (representatives of tourism companies and fishery industry),
mass media companies.
Environmental Education Black Sea PHARE Project, February 1996 - June
A project targeted on establishment of the environmental education
(EE) network working on promotion of introduction of EE in the formal
school curriculum, elaboration of educational materials, including information
about actual status of the Black Sea environment and development of
schools research activities.
The majority of high-schools belonging to this network has e-mail and
some of them access to Internet. The high-school are situated in six
towns and villages along entire Romanian Black Sea shore. The schools
involved were selected carefully based on some selection criteria and
interviews with teachers and the principals of the highschools.
A workshop for 30 high school teachers was organised in Constanta, with
the aim of systematic introduction of environmental education.
Accordingly a brochure was printed and field trips were organised to
critical sites and protected areas. Of special importance was support
for an environmental education teacher's network and during the ensueing
discussion the following points were evaluated: the setting up of the
high school teacher network initialing involving 10 highschools; the
evaluation of their needs; preparation and organization of the training
for environmental education; elaboration of the "Mare Nostrum - Marea
Neagr�" booklet (cited above); field trips and research in critical
sites on the Romanian coast.
Eforie Sud High-School
Mare Nostrum NGO and Eforie Sud Highschool participated in and co-ordinated
a series of environmental education activities:
- Summer course on Danube Delta environmental problems, July 1997.
- National Graffiti contest - Green Revolve, August 1997
- Beach surveys and clean-up activities, 1996, 1997 and 1998
- Coastwach 1996, 1997 and 1998.
- Tekirgiol Lake Survey, 1996, 1997
- ECOPONT travelling exhibition, August 97.
-Black Sea Action Day, at 31 October 1996, 1997 and 1998

"Public Participation in I.C.Z.M Process" booklet; the booklet was elaborated
in frame of ICZM programme, coordinated by GEF - BSEP
"Mare Nostrum - Marea Neagr�" booklet which publicised the actual status
of the Black Sea. Environmental Education Network including teachers and
students from 12 schools and NGOs from entire coastal zone of Romania:
Web pages
Special teacher training for primary , secondary and highschools focusing
upon Environmental Education, a total of 60 teachers were successfully
Ecological clubs established in 3 high-schools.
Educational materials and courses designed for students from secondary
schools for educational summer camps targeted on Black Sea issues Educational
materials and courses designed for college and high-school students targeted
on Danube Delta issues and impact of Danube River on Black Sea coastal
area, in Romania
Establishment of the Network of researchers (Romanian Marine Research
Institute, Romanian Waters Authority, National Institute of Marine Geology
and Ecology, and Ovidius University) working on Black Sea Issues who are
willing to communicate by e-mail with students and teachers;
Fortunately, several factors make it easier to address these needs:
1. The new reform in the educational system in Romania. According to
the new plans for studding in the middle and secondary school at every
level there will be in the curriculum optional disciplines. The topic
and the curriculum for these disciplines can be chouse by the teachers
with the accord of the schools and the educational county department.
Until now in Romania telecommunication-based activities are extra curricula
activities. Now is the moment to introduce these activities into formal
classroom courses. We can do this using Curriculum Augmentation (access
to on-line resources for an extended bibliography but using a conventional
teaching strategy based on textbook) or developing a telecommunication-based
curriculum (Linking Students to the Infosfere, Boris Berenfeld). This
second way is our option.
2. The experience in using computers in schools from the past 8 years.
After 1990 a lot of schools from Romania where gifted with the IBM-PC
computer. Some initiatives like Computer for the High School of the Soros
Foundation, follow by the other project Internet for the schools help
the schools in introducing IT in the classroom. From the Soros Foundation
statistics at the beginning of 1998 to the 4 branch of the foundation
from Bucharest, Cluj, Timisoara and Iasi there are 237 schools connected
using (UUCP or PPP conection) and 24 schools with dedicated line. On the
other part a recent initiative of the ministry of education for developing
the Internet connectivity of the Romanian schools, and the development
of the Internet service Provider of the Romanian Ministry of education
RoEduNet who links more then 120 institutions will help us in our project.

This project will develop curriculum materials for schools around the
Black Sea based on the major perceived problems of the Black Sea and will
implement this curriculum using portable classroom. With support from
Black Sea teachers network, this materials will be tested in some schools
around the Black Sea, in the coastal zone of Romanian Black Sea, in other
schools from Romania (especial from the Danube River). The project will
combine the traditional style of learning with the learning problems based
style and with the learning by doing style. All the materials will be
integrated and distributed using computer and INTERNET (e-mail, web pages,
ICQ, audio and video conference)

On a short term the goal of the project is to develop and to implement
a distance learning projects for environmental education for the schools
from Romanian Black Sea coast, for other schools in Romania and for schools
from other country around the Black Sea.
On a long term the goal is to develop a project for linking the Black
Sea schools with schools from the Danube river basin.

1. Curriculum development for the projects with the International Waters
subject. The curriculum must improve the Internet style of learning. We
must try to find the optimal combination of classical and modern technology
for our purpose. The curriculum must be flexible and easy to use in schools
by different methodology (with IT and without IT )
2. Developing the web site of the project using the Eforie Sud High
School infrastructure. Interconnecting of the site with other IW: LEARN
sites around the world. Configuring the portable classroom. The web site
will be used for: implementing the curriculum in other schools, data exchanges
for the monitoring activities around the Black Sea and for the IW:LEARN
sharing products: audio and video conference, tehnical NetCourses, distance-delivered
Masters degree programs.
3. Organization of training and demonstration for teachers for using
IT technology in the schools
4. Curriculum implementation in the schools using the Internet capabilities
of the schools, the portable classroom, slides and printed materials.
5. Developing of the monitoring actions for the Black Sea Coast in relationship
with the GlobalLab, Green or Globe Projects
6. Development of specially prepared printed and audio-visual materials
to inform the local communities, local authorities, businessman and public
about the problems of the Black Sea

1.Developing a curriculum for the projects
with the International Waters subject
2. Developing the web site of the project using the Eforie Sud High
School infrastructure. Interconnecting of the site with other IW: LEARN
sites around the world
1. Installing the web site (hardware and software). � Hardware upgrade
for NT and linux server from Eforie Sud High School: Pentium II at 300MHz
and 32 Mb Ram (NT) and 32 Mb RAM (Linux). Instaling an UPS (for 2 computers)
and a external Zip Drive � Software: Windows NT 4.0 Server, with FrontPage
for Windows 98 and Personal Web Server. This server can be used only us
web and ftp server.
2. Developing the application for the site: � List server (for the three
working teem involve in the curriculum development, for IW:Learn implementation
teem, for Romanian I*EARN project related to the water). The list server
application will be developed on the linux server. � ftp server (free
software on the Internet for archives, antivirus, browsers, off line browsers,
mirroring software, tools for web and graphics editing) � web server (BSEP
IW: LEARN site, including the curriculum) � application server (ICQ, Neetmeting,
Symposium, for Internet, FileMaker etc. for the local network
3. Configuration the portable classroom (setup the hardware and the software
for the laptops.
4. Interconnecting the site with other IW: LEARN site. Test for the speed
of communications using (ICQ, Netmeeting and Symposium)
5. Integrating the IW: LEARN project in other electronic community, I*EARN,
Globe, Green, Global Lab community � The finalization of the Water in
Our life project (e-mail based project on the I*EARN list)
3. Organization of training and demonstration for teachers for using
IT technology in the schools using the portable classroom
1. Planing the initial training for the pilot schools (5-6 schools from
the coastal area). The same schools will be involve in the curriculum
development activities.
2. Demonstration in every pilot schools using the portable classroom.
The dempnstration will be made by the teachers who participed at the first
3. Demonstration on networking between the pilot schools.
4. Workshop for the evaluation activities at the end of the pilot faze.
4. The implementation of the curriculum in the schools using the Internet
capabilities of the schools and the portable classroom
1. The organization of the field tests are based on the prototype materials
with one real classroom
2. The organization of pilot tests at a large scale for different type
of classroom from the coast and from other part of the country, from the
town and from the village
3. Dissemination of the curriculum for one semester in some schools of
Romania with the help of the Romanian Ministry of Education
4. Dissemination of the curriculum in some schools around the Black Sea
(Turkey, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia and Bulgaria)
5. Developing of the monitoring actions for the Black Sea Coast in
relationship with the GlobalLab, Green or Globe Projects.
In this way we can learn from other international projects and we can
link the Black Sea Schools with other school in the world Monitoring the
Black Sea coast the students will learn science by doing science, they
will made investigations in real conditions, they will developed skills
using an interdisciplinary approach (biology, chemistry, physics) and
they will use Internet like a researches tool.
1. Establishing the schools in the Romanian Black Sea area
2. Developing the schedule for the monitoring actions
3. Training the teachers from the selected schools
4. Establishing the electronic way for exchanging data
6. Development of specially prepared printed and audio-visual materials
to inform the local communities, local authorities, businessman and public
about the problems of the Black Sea
1. Newspaper of the project from the pilot faze to the dissemination phase.
2. Poster contest " The sea and us"
3. The realization of the Itinerant exhibition using the Art schools in
Romania (and around the Black Sea)
4. Slide show with picture from our activities for the stakeholders
5. Video materials for the local TV post.
6. Organisation of demonstrative lessons in all schools involved and presentation
of lessons using different media (on Internet, TV emissions, presentation
of CDs and video-tapes, etc); the presentation can be associated with
presentation of scientist/personalities/academicians on Black Sea issue;
representatives of Ministries of education from the countries involved
in project have to participate in the demonstrative lessons
7. Presentation of field research results made by students in a meeting
where coastal authorities, schools, and researchers are invited
8. Dissemination of information concerning the project activities by mass
media; at list 3 TV emissions, 4 articles in local newspapers, and 4 radio
interviews have to be released to the public from Constanta County
9. Organization of one public debate (one day), entitled 'Virtual education
and rethinking of the traditional learning methods.
Note: This is the first form of the project, write in Royal Holloway,
University of London, in the fall of 1998, by Cristina Nenciu and Florin