The Learning Resources Center (LRC) is a self-paced individualized learning center that offers assistance to MSU students who want to improve their academic performance. Its goal is to help students develop the strategies and techniques necessary to become successful students. The LRC uses three units to deliver its services: a professional staff located in the main office, an interactive learning lab, and evening tutoring services housed in residence halls.
NEW! Come take a Virtual Tour of our new offices in 202 Bessey!
At the main office in 202 Bessey, students and faculty can:
- Find LRC professional staff members with many years of experience eager to help students!
- Schedule appointments for individualized sessions and consultations and the Daytime Tutoring Program by calling Brenda Wickham (355.2363).
- Learn when reading and study skill seminars are offered.
- Pick up printed materials on time management techniques, note and test taking skills, and on the development of good reading and mathematics strategies.
- Sign up to be in a new math study group!
Check out the LRC lab in 204 Bessey and discover:
- Interactive computer software programs to develop learning skills, improve reading speed, enhance understanding of courses, and prepare for exams.
- Microcomputers with word-processing, database management, webpage authoring, and presentation software.
- An enthusiastic lab staff to answer your computer application questions.
- Classroom materials and tests placed on reserve by faculty members.
Stop in at Classroom 1 Wilson, 144B Brody, or C 101 McDonel to discover:
- A study skills based tutoring program
- A trained staff of academically successful tutors who have expertise in specific courses.