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The proposed objectives address several HCOP purposes: development of a more competitive applicant pool, recruitment, facilitating entry, counseling, mentoring and other services, preliminary education, and primary care exposure. This is a proposed HCOP comprehensive model that also incorporates a HCOP eligible post-baccalaureate program. The specific objectives are delineated below. Objective I: To identify each year 60 URM/D middle students and 40 URM/D high school students and provide them with exposure to health careers, science enrichment activities, and educational services that will result in at least 30 middle school students (50%) & 20 high school students (50%) exhibiting successful academic performance (G.P .A. 2.5) and continued interest in the health careers. Objective II: To identify each year fifteen (15) URM/D students in grades 10- 12 to participate in the four week Summer Science Academy designed to strengthen the academic base in science, math, English and reading and standardized test taking each year of the project. At least 80% (12) will exhibit successful progression (GP A -3.0 and continued enrollment in science and math courses in grades 11 and 12) and 66% (10) will enroll in a pre-health professions curriculum at the undergraduate level by the end of year three. Objective III: Pre-health Professions Preparation Institute (PPPI) -To identify twenty-five (25) URM/D entering college freshmen and rising college sophomores to participate in the six week Pre-Health Professions Institute designed to strengthen their academic base in science, math, reading and writing. At least 72% (18) will exhibit successful progression (GP A -2.8 during the academic year and continued enrollment in a pre-health curriculum) to the next level. Objective IV: Premedical Achievement Program (PAP)- To facilitate entry each year of twenty (20) URM/D undergraduate juniors and seniors into medical school through science course review, development of greater proficiency in standardized test taking, and professional school application preparation to the degree that 85% (17) will be accepted into medical school or the ABLE post-baccalaureate program within two years of completion of P AP. Objective V: Post-Baccalaureate Program- To annually provide educational preparation, academic enrichment and motivational experiences for ten (10) URM/D students in a post-baccalaureate (ABLE) program that includes two summers and an academic year that results in 100% (10/10) students successfully completing the program (3.00 GPA in courses taken) and will be guaranteed admissions into the next year's entering class. Objective VI: To incrementally increase the academic progression rate (graduation in four years) for URM/D students from 60% to 70% over the three- year period of the grant by providing academic retention services and nonacademic services. This will result in the following: 18/20 (85%) of URM Block I students achieving academic success (no course failures), 18/20 (80%) of URM Block II students achieving academic success (no course failures), and 18/20 (80%) of URM students passing the USMLE Step I Examination. |