Sun, Water, Earth and Air

Socrates, Comenius 1 Project




Students contributions



Year 1, 2002 - 2003



Year 2, 2003 - 2004



Year 3, 2004 - 2005






Sun, Water, Earth and Air - SWEA is a Socrates, Comenius 1 Project, sponsored by European Union thru The Socrates National Agenties from Germany, Hooland, Danmark and Romania during 2002-2005


The official site of European Union





Carmen Sylva photo contest


Within the high school it was organized a photo contest with Black Sea thematic.
The photos should present positive and negative aspects of the romanian coastal environment.
The best five photo were sent to a national photo contest organized with the occasion of International Black Sea Day by the Mare Nostrum NGO.
One of this five photos was among the winners of the competition.


Visit to domestic water treatment plant


The visit was a success because the students have understand the role and the importance of a water treatment plant for the environment and for the human community.
During this visit the students received information's about the water treatment process used in this water treatment plant.
After the visit the students wrote some articles in which they present their opinions about this visit.


Visit to the National Institute “Grigore Antipa”





All the papers are presented on the high school site and have the water as main topic and the Black Sea in particular.

- Water
Waves energy
The Black Sea Protection
Development of the Romanian coastal area from the perspective of year 2020.
Black Sea Environmental Problems
The Black Sea: a unique environment
Black Sea littoral
Water cycle and ecology.
Pollution produced by inland sources.
The history of Coastwatch

Coastwatch 2004


This program intend to monitor the effects of human activities on coastal areas
A number of 30 students have been involved in this project.
The activities evolve as follow:
The students divided in groups of tow, got under observation 500 meters of coast;
During the surveys observation sheet have been fill out;
The observation sheet contain information about:
Place of observation;
General aspect of the observed area;
Pollutants and other waste.
Sign of other unexpected events.


Daily water and air mean temperature variation




SWEA Project

Schools in the project

Martin-Schongauer-Gymnasium Breisach, DE

Interconfesionelle SG het Westland, Naaldwijk, NL

“Carmen Sylva” Highschool, Eforie Sud, RO

Vordingborg Gymnasium, DK

News in the project




For informations and comments about this site mail to Florin Serbu
Last update Saturday, April 30, 2005 9:44 AM