Exploring the Data Table
1. Make a copy of the blank Comparative Data Table and label the first column Countries, the second column Access to safe water, 1989-95, the third Population growth rate, 1980-95, and the fourth GNP per capita, 1995. Then use the text and the Data Table to fill in the chart according to the instructions below.
g1. | In the countries with less than 50 percent access to safe water, are the other indicators high or low? In the countries with 50 to 69 percent access to safe water, are the other indicators higher or lower than in the below 50 percent access countries? In the countries with 70 or more percent access to safe water, are the other indicators higher or lower than in the other countries? | |
Enter your answer in the space below: | Suggested answer: | |
h. | Does access to safe water follow the same trends as the other development indicators in your chart? | |
Enter your answer in the space below: | Suggested answer: | |
2. Make a copy of the blank Comparative Data Table and label the first column Countries, the second column Access to safe water, 1989-95, and the third column Access to sanitation, 1989-95. Compare access to safe water and access to sanitation in six countries from six different regions of the world by following these steps:
d. | Compare the access to safe water and access to sanitation data for each country. Within each country, which indicator is higher, access to safe water or to sanitation? Are there any countries that have a large difference between the two? What are some possible reasons for this? | |
Enter your answer in the space below: | Suggested answer: | |
3. Take the Comparative Data Table you prepared for question 2 above, and add a fifth column labeled Access to sanitation, 1989-95.
a. | Within each country, which indicator is higher, access to safe water or to sanitation? Compare your results with those in question 2d. Do your countries follow similar trends? If not, what could be some possible reasons for the differences? | |
Enter your answer in the space below: | Suggested answer: | |
b. | Judging from your data, which indicator tends to be more linked to country income group, access to safe water, or access to sanitation? | |
Enter your answer in the space below: | Suggested answer: | |
c. | Make a general statement about access to safe water and sanitation and development. | |
Enter your answer in the space below: | Suggested answer: | |
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