$2.1 million in Graduate Office Fellowship (GOF) funds are available through
the thirteen colleges with graduate programs. The Associate Dean for Graduate
Education of each college decides how these funds are dispersed. A number
of different models are used. ASK YOUR ASSOCIATE DEAN how these are dispersed
in your college!
Ten to twenty
fellowships are available to allow students to devote full time to writing
the dissertation with the goal that the dissertation will be completed during
the tenure of the fellowship. Colleges have the option to renew support
for a second semester in special cases. Other MSU financial support, held
simultaneously with the fellowship, cannot exceed a one-quarter time assistantship
or the equivalent.
Selection of
fellowship winners will be made by a student's college. The colleges will
set the conditions and application procedures for the Graduate School Dissertation
Fellowships and will notify the Graduate School of the winners. The Fellowship
awards will be dispensed by the Graduate School.
The deadline will be announced by The Graduate School, but is usually
during the Fall Semester.
Future Faculty Fellowship Program
The KCP Fellowship
Program is intended to increase the number of underrepresented minorities
1) pursuing academic careers in postsecondary education; 2) students pursuing
doctorate degrees; and 3) faculty in postsecondary education in Michigan
and Illinois. Awards will not exceed $35,000 over a four-year period, six
credits of tuition, and fees for Fall and Spring semesters (up to three
credits of tuition and fees for Summer semester), and a health care allowance.
Recipients must agree to obtain their doctorate degree within six years
of receiving the fellowship, submit an annual progress report during the
fellowship period, and pursue a full-time faculty position and remain there
for a period of 3 years.
Applications are mailed to underrepresented minorities at MSU each Spring
or students may request application materials any time by contacting:
The Graduate
116 Linton Hall