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Objective 1
To identify each year 60 URM middle school students and 40 URM high school students and provide them with exposures to health careers, science enrichment activities, and educational services that will result in at least 30 middle school students (50%) and 20 high school students (50%) exhibiting successful academic performance (GPA 2.5) and continued interest in the health careers.

Objective 2
To identify 15 URM students in grades 10-12 to participate in the four-week Summer Science Academy designed to strengthen the academic base in science. Mathematics, English and reading and standardized test taking each year of the project. At least 80% (12) will exhibit successful progression (GPA = 3.0 and continued enrollment in science and math courses in grades 11 and 12) and 60% (10) will enroll in a pre-health professions curriculum at the undergraduate level by the end of year three.

Objective 3
To provide educational, enrichment, and motivational for 30 URM premedical students (15 sophomores, 10 juniors and 10 seniors) annually in an academic year program (Lane Society). This will result in 80 % of the senior participants in the Lane Society gaining admission in medical school each year of the grant.

Objective 4
To enhance the academic performance of URM students enrolled in the CHM pre-clinical curriculum by providing academic retention services and nonacademic services over the three year period of the grant. This will result in the following: eighty-five percent of URM Block I students achieving academic success (no course failures), and 80 percent of URM students passing the USMLE Step 1 Examination.

Objective 5
To provide a structured faculty development plan tailored to meet the individual needs of the designated Minority Junior Faculty members who have been recruited to CHM which will result in their academic role as evidence by their continuous appointment as faculty members.

Objective 6
To maintain and continue the development of the COE Minority Health information Resources center at CHM to include print media, video and audio media, computer-based resources, and access to national health information database. The COE information Resources Center will be utilized by 80 URM students, 20 URM faculty, and 25 other faculty, staff and students each year of the grant and will result in readily available resources and up to date information and health care for minority populations.

Objective 7
To develop and implement, over the three year period of the grant, three new curricular components that target cultural competence, clinical education, minority health issues, and working with under-served populations to be incorporated into the CHM curriculum. This will result in the implementation of these modules by the end of the three year grant period.

Objective 8
To provide an annual structured minority health research experience for eight URM students that includes didactic experiences and work with a faculty research mentor each year of the grant. This will result in 100 percent of the trainees generating a research report on a selected area of minority health each year of the grant. It is anticipated that 50 percent of the trainees will continue to work in research during their education after completion of the COE project.

Objective 9
To provide CHM clinical students with the opportunity to work in a primary care setting with patients from URM/financially disadvantaged backgrounds that result in at least 50 percent of the students choosing primary care specialties at the end of their rotation.

Objective 10
To provide stipends to eligible URM students who participate in the HPAP activities.