Curriculum Vitae for John Brecht


Office Address:
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48825
Home Address:
204 South Clippert
Lansing, MI 48912
Email: [email protected]
Date of Birth: April 15, 1975 Harvey, IL



1993 - 1997

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI

Bachelor of Science -Astrophysics

Graduated With Honors

1997 - Present

Department of Physics and Astronomy

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI

Graduate Student in the Astrophysics Doctoral program



Fall 1998 - Summer 1999 : Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Michigan State University

Title: Intern

Supervisor: Dr. Gerd Kortmeyer

Duties include:

  • Planning for the future of the LearningOnline Network
  • Developing visual tools for managing web based courses existing within the LectureOnline system (which is, in turn, part of the LearningOnline Network)

Fall 1998 - Summer 1999 : Basic Science and Remote Sensing Initiative, Michigan State University

Title: Intern

Supervisor: Dr. David Skole

Duties include:

  • Mosaic satellite images to form large continous images of regions in the Amazon
  • Plan and develop an educational virtual walkthrough of an area of rainforest in Costa Rica

Summer 1998 :SRI International

Title: Intern

Supervisor: Dr. Douglas Gordin

Duties included:

  • Investigating tools to be used to interactively present satellite data depicting tropical forest scenes within a web based environment in such a way as to promote self-direct
  • Planning content and functionality of a game oriented, interactive environment, meant to teach about ecological issues in the Amazon
  • Designing a web based lesson in atmospheric physics

1997 - 1998 : Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

Title: Teaching Assistant

Supervisor: Dr. Wolfgang Bauer

Duties included:

  • Supervising a help room for a web based physics course
  • Editing course content
  • Supervising an online chat room that served as a secondary help room for the course

1996 - 1997 : Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

Title: Programmer

Supervisor: Dr. Wolfgang Bauer

Duties included:

  • Developing Java applets demonstrative of content presented in an online physics text for undergraduates
  • Assisted in editing of content

1994 - 1996 : Office of Lecture Demonstrations, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University

Title: Assistant Technician

Supervisor: John McIntyre

Duties included:






  • Languages: Java, HTML, VRML, FORTRAN, C++
  • Major software titles: VisualCafe, JBuilder, 3DStudioMax, Dreamweaver, Cosmoworlds, Apache Web Server w/ JServ, RealProducer, ERDAS IMAGINE, MS Office
  • OS's: Windows 95,98,NT ; IRIX, UNIX, LINUX, MacOS
  • Miscellaneous: I'm confident with multimedia oriented perhipherals, including video and audio capture and have some expereince troubleshooting an NT network



Dr. Wolfgang Bauer
Michigan State University
National Superconducting Cylotron Laboratory
East Lansing, MI 48825
[email protected]
Dr. Douglas Gordin
SRI International
Menlo Park, CA 94025
[email protected]
Dr. Gerd Kortemeyer
Michigan State University
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
East Lansing, MI 48825
[email protected]
Mr. John McIntyre
Michigan State University
Department of Lecture Demonstrations, Department of Physics and Astronomy
East Lansing, MI 48825
[email protected]


Further details of Java Experience...
