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ASGSA is a registered student organization (R.S.O.) that advocates for American
Studies graduate students' concerns. Because the organization is officially
registered, we have a voting seat on the Council
of Graduate Students (COGS), the representative body of all graduate
students at MSU. In the past, the ASGSA has held workshops on preparing
for comprehensive exams and forming a committee, has organized a national
interdisciplinary graduate conference with over twenty universities represented,
and has sought a greater diversity of course offerings by making suggestions
to the advisory board. Over the past few years, the ASGSA has worked for
greater representation and a stronger voice in making institutional and
administrative decisions that affect AMS graduate students.
All AMS graduate students are automatically members of the ASGSA. The president of the ASGSA is responsible for setting the yearly agenda of ASGSA activities/projects. This agenda is usually developed with the vice-president, and all decisions are subject to the approval of AMS graduate students. Also, the president and vice-president must work closely with the graduate students in developing, revising, and broadening the agenda. The secretary is responsible for posting the minutes of all ASGSA meetings. Recently, we have distributed the minutes over e-mail. The COGS representative is responsible for attending all COGS meetings (once a month) and participating in full for all votes. There are two seats on the AMS advisory board for graduate students; one seat is reserved for a Master's student, the other for a Ph.D. student. The advisory board is headed by the chair of AMS, and the board consists of professors selected by the chair; AMS course offerings and events are among the many things discussed at advisory board meetings. |
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