
Watershed Education Resources
on the Internet
Via WWW] - - [Water
Education Links]
GREEN is working with EcoNet
to compile pointers to water-related resources on the Internet.
Here are some starting points for "getting your feet wet":
Watershed education programs are
flowing onto the Internet. Is yours here?
Watersheds Via WWW
- Au Sable River,
Manistee River - Anglers of the Au
The Riverwatch Online is the newsletter for the
Anglers, an environmental/flyfishing organization of over 600
members in mostly five states, but also in others and in Canada
and the U.K.
- Baltic
Sea - BALtic Sea region on-Line Environmental
information Resources for INternet Access BALLERINA
- Baltic
Sea - Baltic Sea Drainage Basin GIS, Map and
Statistical Database
- Budd-Deschutes
and Nisqually Rivers - Thurgood Marshall
Middle School
- Buffalo
River - Buffalo River Stewardship
Buffalo River Stewardship Foundation uses economic
incentives to protect America's first National River.
- Chehalis
River - Chehalis River Council
Chehalis River Council is a non-profit citizens
group working to improve water quality throughout one of
Washington State's largest watersheds.
- Chehalis River
- Chehalis River Council
The Chehalis River Council is a nonprofit citizens
group working to improve water quality throughout one of
Washington State's largest watersheds. The web site has lots of
information, including a complete description of the watershed
online in the Chehalis River Basin Action Plan. This 1992 document
identifies water quality issues facing the Chehalis river system.
- Connecticut
River - Connecticut River Education
CREI consists of a unique consortium of non-profit
educational institutions from four New England states working
together to establish a broad spectrum of educational resources
inspired by the study of the Connecticut River
- Cuyahoga
River - Crooked River Project
Crooked River Project is implemented by members of
NASA Summer Camp 95 from Strongsville with help from the camp
- Cuyahoga
River - Strongsville High School Math-Science
Classes Study The Cuyahoga River
This project used watershed education as a means
to integrate math analysis, chemistry and technology in an
environmental context.
- Danube
River - Danube Environmental Programme and
DANIS - Danube Information System
- Danube
River - Save the Danube River
First environmental lawsuit ever brought before
the International Court of Justice
- Delaware
River - Delaware River Watershed Education
Watershed study projects at more than 31 Eastern
Pennsylvania schools have pooled their efforts into the Delaware
River Watershed Education Consortium through the efforts of DCNR
-- Jacobsburg Environmental Education Center.
- Eno
River - Eno River Association
The historic Eno River is a free-flowing, clean
stream in an urban setting.
- Four
Mile Run -
An important urban stream -- " at the cutting edge
in urban watershed management for nearly two decades."
- French
Creek - French Creek Environmental Education
FCEEP focuses on French Creek and its surrounding
watershed, located in southwestern New York and northwestern
- Grand
River - Grand River Conservation
The authority manages vital land and water
resources in the Grand River watershed.
- Great
Lakes - Great Lakes Information
A cooperative project of agencies and
organizations in the region that work together to make their Great
Lakes regional information available on-line.
- Great
Lakes - Great Lakes Regional American Indian
Great Lakes Regional American Indian Network wants
to introduce tribal people and communities to the
- Great
Lakes - Environmental Assoc. for Great Lakes
Education (EAGLE)
Environmental Assoc. for Great Lakes Education
(EAGLE) is a non-profit organization which works on environmental
issues throughout the Great Lakes Bioregion.
- Green,
Cedar, and Snohomish Rivers - King County
Water and Land Resources
Lead agency for watershed planning, restoration,
and community involvement.
- Humboldt
Bay - Humboldt Bay Symposium
Sept. 13-15, 1996 forum for residents of the
Humboldt Bay watershed to celebrate the bounty of the area and
develop a vision for its future.
- Lake
Michigan, Buck Creek, Spring Lake, Muskegon
Lake - Horizons High School Environmental
Studies Program
The mission of Water Ecology Studies @ Horizons is
to provide the best, free water quality network for West Michigan
- Los
Angeles River -
Includes the "Los Angeles River Virtual
- Mississippi - Mississippi
River Basin Alliance
The Alliance is a citizens' coalition that unites
environmental justice organizations and traditional conservation
groups around issues impacting the Mississippi River.
- Mississippi
River - The Riverview Times
The changing human and political environment as it
affects the Mississippi River, as well as the environmental,
recreational and historic character of this noble waterway at the
heart of North America.
- Mississippi
River - Mississippi Headwaters Board
Protecting the first 400 miles of the Mississippi
- Neuse
River - Raleigh News & Observer
"Sold Down the River," stories, images and
resources on the Neuse River
- North
Santiam River - Salem Public Works Water
- Puget
Sound - People for Puget
People for Puget Sound is a non-profit citizens
group dedicated to educating and involving people in protecting
and restoring the land and waters of Puget Sound and the Northwest
- Puget
Sound - Puget Soundkeeper Alliance
Formed in 1984 as a coaltion of citizens and
organizations concerned about the health of Puget Sound, Puget
Soundkeeper Alliance (PSA) has been on the forefront of Sound
stewardship ever since.
- Rio
Grande/Rio Bravo - Project del Rio
- Rouge
River - Rouge Education Project
The "Rouge Model" was an original model project
for GREEN.
- Saginaw
Bay, Lake Michigan - WETNET
WETNET is a school project that displays and
manages water quality data gathered by more than 60 elementary,
middle, and high schools in Michigan's Saginaw Basin on
interactive computer maps on the Internet.
- San
Jacinto River - San Jacinto River
- San Luis Obispo
Creek - Central Coast Salmon
Salmon streams on California's Central
- San
Luis Obispo Creek - San Luis Obispo Creek
Task Force
The San Luis Obispo Creek Task Force is
facilitated by The Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo County.
More information about the San Luis Obispo Creek Watershed
Enhancement Program can be found on their home page.
- Santa Clara
River - Friends of the Santa Clara
- Sarasvati
River -
A Celebration of the Legacy of the Sarasvati
Civilization. Ancient courses (ca. 3000 B.C.) of the Sarasvati
River (1600 km.) have been established through multi-disciplinary
studies. Projects are ongoing to develop the Sarasvati River
Basin. The Sarasvati River image Library contains Notes on Geology
and Natural History, Sarasvati Legacy Images and General Images
& Maps.
- Schuylkill
River -
You will find that this site is just as much about
Community as it is about Rivers - but then they always have gone
together. You'll find many references to their mutual history here
in this exhibit.
- Thornapple
River - Riverhouse
Environmental education site for the Thornapple
River Watershed Group, associated with West Michigan Environmental
Action Council.
- Thornton
Creek - Thornton Creek Project
One of the best examples of watershed education
programs on-line, produced by students.
- Tualatin
River - Oregon Episcopal School
Students have posted maps and data from wetlands
on their school site.
- Yarra
River - Yarra Valley Water Education
Aimed at teachers and students, this site provides
detailed information about water supply, treatment and
Water Education Links
- Adopt-A-Watershed
A K-12 science curriculum that uses a local
watershed as a focal point for bringing theory into
- Bridging
the Gulf Science Literacy Grant
This project seeks to improve science literacy
across the state of Illinois, and includes student participation
in the RiverWatch program.
- CyberLearning
Collection: Salmon Preservation, A Case Study in the Resolution of
Environmental Conflict
Commercially available 2-volume CD-ROM library and
investigation guides.
- Cycling for
This international five-month cycling expedition
through South America, will highlight water-related environmental
issues while introducing its interactive web site to hundreds of
schools in Chile and California.
- Earth
Awareness Educational Resources
This is a resource for teachers and students to
find useful information in the subject areas of: social studies,
geography, science, K-12 outreach programs, and the
environment. This resource is updated on a weekly
- Educating Young
People About Water
Materials to help you develop a community-based,
youth water education program that targets youth and links key
community members in partnerships--all working toward common water
education goals.
- Environmental Action
and Information Center
The mission of the Environmental Action and
Information Center is to provide activists with the information
they need, when they need it, in order to make a
- Environmental
Assoc. for Great Lakes Education (EAGLE)
Environmental Assoc. for Great Lakes Education
(EAGLE) is a non-profit organization which works on environmental
issues throughout the Great Lakes Bioregion.
- EnviroScape
Water Quality Model
EnviroScape models are innovative, hands-on,
portable models that teach about water pollution and
Schools and Libraries Program
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Schools,
Libraries, and Other Neat Places.
- Estuary-Net
Estuary-Net was developed by the National
Estuarine Research Reserve System in response to water quality
issues arising in coastal areas. This project strives to develop
collaborations among high schools, community volunteer water
quality monitoring groups, local officials, state Coastal Zone
Management (CZM) programs and National Estuarine Research Reserves
(NERRS) to solve non-point source pollution problems in estuaries
and their watersheds.
- Give Water A
Join young people from around the country who are
learning about water in their communities and what they -- and
you! -- can do... a program of the University of
Wisconsin-Environmental Resources Center.
- Global Learning and
Observations to Benefit the Environment
A worldwide network of students, teachers, and
scientists working together to study and understand the global
- Green
Generation: Young Help for Planet Earth
Set up in 1990 in order to encourage and foster
links between environmentally committed children around the world,
we are a small independent international non-profit making
association. We are based on a peaceful olive tree covered
hillside in S.E France. We believe strongly in the importance and
quality of you, the YOUNGER GENERATION. You have a challenge that
is huge: restoring sanity, beauty and Life to this incredible
planet. Some of you are lucky, but millions of others need to know
that it is possible to make a difference, and how many are trying,
in amazing ways, all around the world.
- GREEN-Europe on the
Thanks to many hours "staring at screens" by Arne
Schmidt and Lars Groth [GREEN-Denmark coordinator], the
GREEN Europe home page has been established. Visitors can locate
and learn about contact persons, and read about the newest
developments with GREEN Europe on-line. Also GREEN projects within
Europe can be presented on this home page.
- Hillsdale-Lenawee-Monroe
Math/Science Center
Watershed project involves several Michigan
An electronic conference for the discussion of
water quality issues, part of the I*EARN network.
- International Life Sciences
ILSI is a nonprofit, worldwide foundation
established in 1978 to advance the understanding of scientific
issues relating to nutrition, food safety, toxicology, and the
- International Rivers
Provides activists throughout the world with
important, in-depth background and current information on river
- Kentucky
Water Watch
Networks schools that monitor water quality in
- National
4-H Council Environmental Stewardship Updates
The specific goals of the Environmental
Stewardship program include: understanding ecological concepts,
building an awareness of environmental issues and values,
developing scientific investigatory and critical thinking skills,
and learning skills needed for effective action. In general, these
goals foster leadership skills that allow youth to work as full
partners with others to develop creative, community-based
solutions to difficult environmental challenges.
- National
Environmental Directory Project
The National Environmental Directory Project
creates regional environmental directories which together form a
comprehensive national environmental directory database. Each
regional directory lists and describes nonprofit organizations,
government agencies and other organizations concerned with
environmental education and action.
- National
Water-Quality Assessment NAWQA
Program run by the U.S. Geological Survey is
designed to describe the status and trends in the quality of the
nation's ground- and surface-water resources and to provide a
sound understanding of the natural and human factors that affect
- Networking BC
Networking BC Rivers is a project to enable
schools and communities throughout BC to learn more about the
watersheds of four major rivers in British Columbia: the Fraser,
Peace, Skeena, and Columbia. The project includes different
methods and areas of study from scientific data collection to
language arts. This web site supports the learning and
collaborations done through both traditional and new media.
The Australian continent's Global Rivers
Environmental Education Network affiliate.
- Project WET -
Water Education for Teachers
The goal of Project WET is to facilitate and
promote awareness, appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of
water resources through the development and dissemination of
classroom-ready teaching aids and through the establishment of
state and internationally sponsored Project WET
- River
River Network's mission is to help people organize
to protect and restore rivers and watersheds.
- River Watch
From the Rio Grande in Texas to the Danube in
Hungary, River Watch Network harnesses the power of people and
communities to monitor, restore, and protect the world's rivers.
- RiverResource
A place where students of rivers can explore
valuable river resources--a gateway to productive internet
- Rivers
of Life: Mississippi Adventure
A subscription-based program offered by Hamine
University's Center for Global Environmental Education that
engages students the world over in celebration, study, and
stewardship of one of the world's greatest river
- Running
the Nile
Online Kayak Expedition
- Salmon,
Trout, Education Program (STEP)
A cross-curricular science-based program that
raises steelhead trout in the classroom.
- Streamwatch
The community water quality monitoring program
which operates across the Greater Melbourne area.
- The
Green Thumb Project
The Green Thumb project is an innovative,
pollution prevention demonstration project which originally
started as a Great Lakes binational project in Duluth, MN and
Superior, WI, Toronto and Sarnia Ontario, and Milwaukee, WI. The
project teaches homeowners, groundskeepers, schools and businesses
alternatives to using pesticides and chemical based fertilizers
for lawn care maintenance. The GT project continues today in
Toronto and Duluth.
- The Rivers
Includes a telecommunications network linking all
of the more than 300 participating schools in a 35-state region
and Canada.
- U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency's Water Protection Home Page
- U.S. EPA "Surf Your
A service to help you locate, use, and share
environmental information on your watershed or community.
- U.S.
EPA Watershed Academy
The EPA Office of Water initiated the Watershed
Academy to provide training for watershed managers based on local,
state, tribal, and federal experiences in implementing the
watershed approach throughout the past decade.
- US
EPA Region 4 "Water Pollution Solutions"
Includes solutions for the public and for
- Volunteer
The Volunteer Monitor newsletter facilitates the
exchange of ideas, monitoring methods, and practical advice among
volunteer environmental monitoring groups across the
- Washington
The NatureMapping Program's vision is to create a
national network that links natural resource agencies, academia
and land planners with local communities primarily through
- Watch Over
Links volunteer monitors in the state of
- Water
Quality Association Glossary of Terms
The WQA Glossary of Terms provides on-line
definitions for the language of water quality and monitoring, is
provided by the Water
Quality Association international trade
- Water
Quality Curricula from the Cooperative Extension
A comprehensive review of curricula for non-formal
water education. Includes summaries of curricula and support
materials, and an extensive bibliography.
- Water Resources
Education Network (WREN)
A project of the League of Women Voters of
Pennsylvania Citizen Education Fund. Its purpose is to make
connections between people and resources for water
- Watershed Management
The Watershed Management Council is a non-profit
educational organization dedicated to the advancement of the art
and science of watershed management.
- Waterwatch
The national community-based water quality
monitoring program.
- Waterwatch
Waterwatch brings together schools and community
groups, Landcare Groups, and landowners, councils and water
authorities to test the quality of their local stream or water
source so that practical actions can be taken to maintain and
improve water quality.
- West Virginia K-12
Designed to increase the effectiveness of the
Internet as a teaching tool, and focuses on watershed
to the GREEN Home Page]
To suggest additions or changes to GREEN's WWW
resources, send e-mail to green@green.org.