G R E E N N e w s l e t t e r, S p r i n g 1 9 9 8
NetworkingGREEN's online news service for watershed education and action, gr-announce, has been increasing in activity over the past year. Subscribers have more than doubled in number, and a variety of news bulletins and announcements are available each week via this free, online service from GREEN.
A small sampling of recent contributions to gr-announce follows, including conference announcements and reports, listings of new organizations, resources and publications, and descriptions of professional development opportunities from across the country and around the world:
- To explore the state of the art and future of Network Science, we held an invitational conference at TERC in Cambridge, Massachusetts on November 6th and 7th, 1997. This conference brought together 33 individuals&emdash;teachers, developers, organizers, and researchers of network science projects&emdash;to examine common issues. Altogether, these individuals represented the work of 10 curriculum projects and a total of 12 organizations and 3 schools. A detailed summary of the conference has just been posted at: teaparty.terc.edu/conference/...
- WEFTEC Asia '98, 7-11 March 1988, Raffles City Convention Center, The Westin Stamford & Westin Plaza, Singapore...
- Water Quality: A Report of Progress, by the U. S. Department of Agriculture's Working Group on Water Quality, describes some of the department's recent efforts and accomplishments in reducing agricultural nonpoint-source pollution. The report is available at http://www.nal.usda.gov/wqic/wgwq/progress.html...
- The Sixth Annual Conference on Project-Based Learning, March 13-14, 1998, Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, CA...
- I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Harmony Foundation, a non-profit organization that was founded in 1985 on the principle that cooperation and education are the cornerstones of a successful transition to a sustainable society, one committed to development based on sound environmental practices and progressive social programs...
- The Thornton Creek Project in soggy, miserable Seattle seeks help in tracking down good examples of databases, preferably watershed-based, which are shared and manipulated through the WWW. We're working on getting an appropriate arrangement working here and hope to learn from groups who precede us down this road. Please respond to [email protected]...
- GREEN has just received our shipment of new Nitrate FS kits from Strategic Diagnostics (SD)! These kits can only be ordered in bulk from the supplier and GREEN will do this only once or twice a year so supplies are limited...
- Spend 3 days in hands-on experiences with intertidal animals and their environments on the beaches of Fort Worden State Park, using the Port Townsend Marine Science Center as base. Then move offshore for 2 days, onto the Adventuress, a magnificent 101 ft. schooner, to have direct experience with wind, tides and currents, studying the riches of Puget Sound ecology...
- I'm providing daily monitoring of Great Lakes land and resource pages on the internet. Please take advantage of it! The results are at: http://www.dailydiffs.com/dop000dc.htm...
- We now have pages on the Newtown school website for the 12th annual conference of Caretakers of the Environment. It is not complete by any means but it will be updated regularly so have a look at www.iol.ie/~newtownw/caretakers...
- EcoTeach is joining with NW teachers and environmentalists to offer an Ecological Study-Tour and Vacation to Costa Rica this summer in June...
To subscribe to gr-announce, send the following message to [email protected] : subscribe gr-announce.
Since it was introduced late in 1997, hundreds of volunteer monitors and watershed educators have adopted RiverBank 3.0, GREEN's data storage, analysis and networking tool. To support RiverBank users, we have created a series of web pages for sharing data and database information.
The RiverBank web site at http://www.econet.apc.org/green/riverbank provides background information on RiverBank and strategies for using it in the classroom, ordering information and the online version of the RiverBank 3.0 User's Manual. It also includes the RiverBank Feedback Database, where users can send comments and questions or search for answers; the RiverBank 3.0 Data Sharing Site, where users can send, store and retrieve RiverBank data files; and links to other RiverBank data sites that are sponsored by members of the GREEN network, such as the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
RiverBank 3.0 was made possible through collaboration among participants of the GREEN/NSF Teacher Enhancement Project, GREEN staff and the Highly Interactive Computing Research Group at the University of Michigan. To order RiverBank 3.0 see the GREEN catalog beginning on page ten.