G R E E N N e w s l e t t e r, S p r i n g 1 9 9 8
Global PerspectivesAround the World is a project supported by the Dutch National Commission for Sustainable Development. The project involves young people in designing and discussing their vision of a sustainable world, and the theme for the project is travel and transport. This is a big theme, which includes energy use, world development and wealth, tourism and healthy neighborhoods.
The project organizer, GREEN-Nederland coordinator Renate Foks, would like to visit projects in other countries in May or June 1998, to meet young people (age 16-26) who can talk about the impact of travel in their daily lives and discuss their participation in educational projects on the same theme (conversation will be captured on video).
Interested schools or youth groups that are involved in projects concerning the theme of travel and transport should contact:
Renate Foks
Rauwveld 39
5641 NL Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel/Fax: 31 40 2817807
Email: [email protected]Global Water Partnership Forum
The Global Water Partnership Forum is a World Wide Web site, sponsored by the World Bank and UNDP and located at http://www.gwpforum.org.
The water forum is a venue which brings together those interested in sustainable water resource management. Nongovernmental organizations, international agencies, research and academic institutions, government agencies, private sector groups and individuals can use the forum to exchange information about all aspects of water resource management.
Forum participants are encouraged to set up their own 'kiosks'. These can provide links to their own Web sites, as well as information about their activities: projects, publications, water data and law, education and training, etc. Kiosks are maintained by the participants themselves, and are a free service. Participants simply need to register and choose a password in order to submit information.
Participants can also contribute water data and law, education and/or training programs, publications as well as personal professional information. A calendar is available for events which address water resource management topics.
Our Place is an exciting opportunity from Oz GREEN to tell the world about your local environment and find out more about what's happening in other places. It is an interactive education program that uses the Internet to link young people on river systems throughout the world.
Participants use the Internet and conventional mail to share stories about "Our Place." Beginning with a description of their lifestyles (Our Place), participants carry out investigations of their local environment (Our River) and then share environmental issues and management strategies. Groups develop a vision for the future of their place and examine the global consequences of their current lifestyle.
Throughout the project, information is added to pages on the World Wide Web so that participants can compare their place with others. The Web site also includes a forum where participants can communicate directly with one another. By connecting up to the Our Place World Wide Web site, or participating by mail, you can obtain first-hand accounts from groups:
- working to develop innovative strategies to deal with sewage pollution of the sacred Ganges River in India
- in the grip of a devastating drought, and facing water problems due to mining and logging in Papua New Guinea
- along the Murray-Darling River in Australia taking action to improve the river environment
- in Europe who have experienced two devastating floods in the last 18 months.
The project provides groups from diverse parts of the world the opportunity to share stories and learn what others are doing to address the global water crisis. Our Place started by linking ten groups from the Murray-Darling River in Australia with ten groups from other countries including Poland, England, Costa Rica, Venezuela, USA, India, Nepal and the Netherlands. In 1998 Our Place is expanding to include all groups that have an interest and commitment to their waterways and who would like to join a global network of people with similar interests. For information contact:
PO Box 1378
DEE WHY, NSW, 2099
Tel: 61 2 9971 4098
Fax: 61 2 9981 4956
Email: [email protected]