G R E E N N e w s l e t t e r, S p r i n g 1 9 9 8
From the Director's DeskI am delighted to serve as the new Executive Director of GREEN, and have been highly impressed with the organization's growth, its staff and directors, and in particular, its vision. I recently had the opportunity to participate in a workshop for GREEN facilitators, and felt honored to meet such an outstanding group of caring individuals, whose enthusiasm was contagious and interdisciplinary knowledge outstanding.
I was attracted to GREEN because it embodies several of my most basic beliefs, and fosters the kind of creative action that can make a difference in the world. Interdisciplinary education promotes critical thinking, and when applied to watersheds at the community level, can develop cross-cultural sensitivity and real solutions to pressing problems. I like GREEN's action- oriented educational model, and its focus upon sustainability. This approach, when applied to watershed concerns, can help to create a more livable and decent world.
GREEN is engaged in a truly creative process which has applicability all over the world. Our manuals and books, scientific kits, and approach to applying these materials within a specific educational context together make the ingredients for tremendous growth. One does not "manage" this global creativity in the normal sense of the word. Rather, GREEN's staff can help to facilitate the creative implementation of the GREEN philosophy everywhere.
GREEN is involved in a number of projects which help to bring people together to solve watershed problems. In the broadest sense, we will continue to expand our activities in these areas, both nationally and internationally, and will be working with our affiliates in Europe, Australia, and elsewhere in order to foster collaboration and build a truly global network. GREEN's use of the internet as a tool will be enhanced in the months and years ahead, and we will seek to use technological innovations to increase networking and dissemination of information.
In order to build on GREEN's successes to date we need help from all of you. Ideas about workshop topics, possible funding partners, research and development ideas, or the need for new publications are needed from members of the GREEN family. The beauty of GREEN is that everyone can be involved, regardless of location on the planet. The quest for a peaceful, happy and sustainable world is a monumental undertaking, but one in which we can all play a real part.
Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to Bill Stapp. In a short time I have learned tremendously from him and credit him, and GREEN, for being the first to combine interdisciplinary education, cross-cultural understanding, critical and creative thinking, and real-world problem-solving and apply these concepts within a watershed context. Water is essential to human life, and water-related issues are apt to replace other concerns as the key issues facing humankind, so we need to redouble our efforts. GREEN is well-positioned to continue growing and increase its action as a vehicle for positive change. I look forward to working with you to bring this idea to fruition.
Best wishes,
David R. Brubaker
Executive Director![]()