Updated May 21, 1998
- Watershed Research
- Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
- Benthic Macroinvertebrate Books & Equipment
- Watershed Education
- Video Resources
- Air Quality Monitoring and Education
- Global Environment
- Problem Solving/Action Taking
- Program Assessment
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Watershed Research
Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring (11th Edition) By Mark Mitchell and William Stapp. The standard text for school-based water quality monitoring programs in schools around the world. The Manual details nine water quality tests: dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform, pH, total solids, total phosphorous, nitrates, turbidity, biochemical oxygen demand, and temperature. Also includes chapters on heavy metals testing, land use practices, and computer networking. Cost: $19.95 Catalog # WQM010
Field Manual for Global Low Cost Water Quality Monitoring (2nd Edition)
By William Stapp and Mark Mitchell. Designed to complement the Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring. Provides background information about the physical, biological and chemical nature of rivers and their catchments, and considers human dimensions of water quality as reflected in land-use practices on an international scale. Includes activities that help readers understand key concepts and build skills. A practical manual with support material, handouts, and instructions for making inexpensive equipment. Cost: $19.95 Catalog # WQM020
RiverBank 3.0 RiverBank is an easy-to-use data storage and networking tool for teachers and students. It has a user-friendly interface which allows for easy input of data from site surveys, benthic analyses and physical / chemical water quality tests. CD only. System requirements: PC - 486 or higher, 8 megs RAM; Windows 3.1/95/NT OS; Mac - 68040 or higher, 8 megs RAM, System 7.1 or higher. Cost: $15.00 Catalog # WQM025
Heavy Metals Manual : A Sourcebook for Secondary Schools
By Mark Mitchell. Provides teachers and students with introductory information about metals in aquatic environments including potential sources of metals, ecological and public health effects, and relevant laws and regulations. Presents practical, scientific biological and analytical monitoring approaches. Cost: $17.95 Catalog # WQM030
The Ground Truth Studies Teachers Handbook (2nd Edition)
A series of activities designed to involve students directly in observing, measuring and monitoring their local environment. Aerial and satellite images of the local environment are "ground truthed," or verified by student observations on the ground. Local environmental conditions are then related to regional- and global-scale change. From the Aspen Global Change Institute. Cost: $23.95 Catalog # WQM040
Field and Laboratory Activities (5th Edition)
By Brad Smith. Offers a balance between biological investigation in a lab setting and active participation in field work. Can be used with any environmental science text at the introductory level. New to this edition are 15 exercises focusing on how to prevent environmental problems and hazards and policy formation. Appropriate for high school students. Cost: $25.95 Catalog # WQM070
Water Studies for Younger Folks
A handy guide for upper elementary students that describes the nine water quality tests as outlined in the Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring. Includes creative illustrations, lesson plans, and guidelines for teachers. Cost: $9.95 Catalog # WQM090
Testing the Waters: Chemical & Physical Vital Signs of a River
Recommended for advanced water quality monitors. Testing the Waters offers extensive opportunities to investigate physical and chemical properties of water for schools and community groups. It urges careful design of any study and explores safety, attributes of watersheds, properties of water, methods and indicators, turning data into action and other important components of such a study. Provides an excellent background for educators interested in water quality testing in ways that lead to understanding on the part of students. From River Watch Network. Cost: $25.00 Catalog # WQM110
Hands-On Save Our Streams
SOS's hands-on interdisciplinary environmental education curriculum for grades 1&endash;12 includes lessons on water quality monitoring, pollution prevention, and watershed dynamics. From the Izaak Walton League of America. Cost: $29.95 Catalog # EDU050
The Rivers Curriculum
William C. Henske, Editor. The river is the central theme of the teacher resource books in this interdisciplinary high school curriculum. Each book includes field and classroom activities; support materials and background; journal, portfolio and other assessment components; and blackline masters for activity instructions and record keeping.
Geography -- Understanding the links between people and rivers, from human migration to industrial development. Cost: $23.95 Catalog # WQM120
Earth Science -- Evaluating the physical features of a river system and exploring the clues to local historical development. Cost: $23.95 Catalog # WQM130
Language Arts -- From researching courthouse records to interviewing senior citizens about the culture and history of the watershed. Cost: $23.95 Catalog # WQM140
Water Quality Monitoring Equipment
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of equipment.
Three New GREEN Kits From Lamotte:
GREEN Advanced Water Monitoring Kit
Contains the basic equipment for water monitoring as described in the Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring, 11th edition and later. Includes dissolved oxygen kit, nitrate test kit, wide range pH kit, turbidity kit, total phosphate kit, armored thermometer (non-mercury) and bottles for testing biochemical oxygen demand. From Lamotte. Cost: $350.00 Catalog # KIT005
GREEN Standard Water Monitoring KitContains no hazardous materials, using all TesTab� methods. Comes complete with materials to test 100 water samples (44 for coliform bacteria) for DO, pH, BOD, NO3, PO4, turbidity, coliform bacteria and temperature change. Also contains equipment for benthic monitoring: 2 Leaf Pack bags, 2 sorting trays, 1 dual 3X/6X magnifying lens, 1 Bug Board and 10 Petri dishes. Comprehensive instruction manual included. From Lamotte. Cost: $159.00 Catalog # KIT015
GREEN Low-Cost Water Monitoring KitGreat as an introduction to ANY water quality monitoring program. Contains no hazardous materials, using all TesTab� methods. This kit is low, low cost and fun to use. Comes complete with an instruction guide and materials to test 10 water samples (3 for coliform bacteria) for DO, pH, BOD, NO3, PO4, turbidity, coliform bacteria and temperature change. From Lamotte. Cost: $25.00 Catalog # KIT020
Coliscan Membrane Filtration Kit
Measures for E. coli and total coliform bacteria using the membrane filtration method. Each kit contains a filtration unit along with medium broth, petri dishes and pipettes for 20 tests. Cost: $50.00 Catalog # KIT031
Coliscan Membrane Filtration Replacement Kit
Replacement kit for the Coliscan MF kit contains medium broth, petri dishes and pipettes for 20 tests. Cost: $38.00 Catalog # KIT032
Coliscan Easygel
Fecal Coliform Testing Without an Incubator! This kit includes all that is needed to identify the presence and numbers of fecal coliform bacteria in water. Each kit contains medium broth, petri dishes, and pipettes for 10 tests. Cost: $20.00 Catalog # KIT035
Nitrate FS Test Kit
No hazardous Cadmium waste! A new nitrate test kit from Strategic Diagnostics that doesn't produce any hazardous cadmium waste. This test uses a simple color comparison card for analysis of results with a range of 0.5 to 10 ppm and test reference points at 0.5, 2.5, 5, and 10 ppm. The kit contains 50 tests and includes all materials needed for analysis. Cost: $99.00 Catalog # KIT091
Hach Water Monitoring Kit
Contains the basic equipment for water monitoring as described in the Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring, tenth edition or earlier. Includes dissolved oxygen kit, nitrate test kit, wide range pH kit, turbidity kit, total phosphate kit, armored thermometer (non-mercury), and bottles for testing biochemical oxygen demand. Cost: $455.00 Catalog # KIT010
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Books & Equipment
Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery of equipment.
Leaf Pack Experiments Kit
Contains everything needed to collect and study freshwater macroinvertebrates in their natural environment - wet, slimy leaves. Artificial leaf packs are used to collect aquatic macroinvertebrates. Includes: 6 mesh bags with waterproof labels and marker, stainless steel strainer for rinsing leaf packs, 14 sorting trays, 60 plastic Petri dishes, 6 waterproof sorting sheets with drawings and names of typical freshwater invertebrates, thermometer, scale for weighing leaf packs, 2 rulers, 12 brushes and spoons for manipulating organisms, 18 full-color flashcards with line drawings and identification tips, 6 hand lenses, Discovery Scope magnifier with sample holders, nylon twine, zipper-top bags, leaf identification guide, and detailed Instructors Manual with data sheets. Developed by LaMotte Company and the Stroud Water Research Center. Cost: $159.00 Catalog # BEN010
Leaf Pack Bags
Contains 30 Leaf Pack bags with waterproof research experiment labels. Cost: $15.00 Catalog # BEN011
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Flash Cards
Contains one set of field-friendly, waterproof macroinvertebrate identification cards, each with a photograph, illustration and description of the organism. Cost: $32.00 Catalog # BEN012
Bug Boards
Quickly identify and sort aquatic insects at the Order level with this handy, waterproof sorting board designed to help you divvy up benthics into separate Petri dishes. Contains six sorting sheets rolled into a easy-to-carry tube. Cost: $25.00 Catalog # BEN013
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Monitoring Manual
This comprehensive resource describes how to design and carry out a river study using benthic macroinvertebrates. It covers background information about macroinvertebrates and the role they play in the river ecosystem, four options for monitoring them, the detailed procedures for each option, and how to interpret and present your results. Includes keys. 240 pages. From River Watch Network. Cost: $25.00 Catalog # BEN020
Pond and Stream Safari
Learn about the diverse world of aquatic invertebrates - life histories, adaptations to habitats, and connections to aquatic food webs in streams, lakes and ponds. Durable and reusable folder includes a 57-page leader's guide, seven activities, list of useful references and resources, instructions for building sampling equipment, and a glossary of less common terms. Designed for adults to use themselves or with youth ages nine and older. From Cornell Cooperative Extension Cost: $12.95 Catalog # WQM050
SOS - Monitor's Guide to Aquatic Macroinvertebrates
A 46-page lay person's guide to the major orders of aquatic insect larvae and crustaceans. Includes illustrations and identification key. From the Izaak Walton League of America. Cost: $5.95 Catalog # WQM060
Kick Screens
The quickest and least expensive way to collect a variety of organisms from a wide area on the bottom of a stream or river. Consists of a net that catches aquatic organisms that are loosened when you "kick" the screen against the river bottom (poles for the net are not included). Cost: $39.95 Catalog # KIT050
Hester-Dendy (Multi-Plate) Sampler
An "artificial substrate" sampler that can be used in areas where it is not possible to sample the natural stream bottom (such as very large rivers, channelized areas, or deep waters). Consists of a stack of square plates separated by small spacers. Aquatic organisms inhabit the sampler over a period of several weeks. The sampler is then removed to collect the organisms. Cost: $23.95 Catalog # KIT070
D-Frame Net
Used in the same manner as a Kick Screen; consists of tubular net stretched around a 'D' shaped wire frame on a wood pole. This net is very useful in small creeks and streams. Cost: $64.95 Catalog # KIT080
Watershed Education
Sourcebook for Watershed Education
By Sally Cole-Misch, Larry Price, and David Schmidt. The Sourcebook is an essential tool for communities working to improve education and the environment. It provides the framework and tools for organizing a self-sustaining watershed education program, recruiting educators, developing funding strategies, connecting community resources to program needs, and designing program assessment plans. The Sourcebook also offers curricula, units, lessons, and activities that promote critical thinking and action-taking skills. Cost: $29.95 Catalog # WQM080
International Case Studies on Watershed Education
By William B. Stapp, Arjen E.J. Wals, Michele R. Moss, and Joanne E. Goodwin. Describes model watershed programs on all continents, providing a detailed picture of the kaleidoscope of GREEN programs world-wide. Case studies offer a wide variety of new ideas and resources for school- and community-based programs, and provide numerous examples of strategies for overcoming potential implementation barriers. Cost: $19.95 Catalog # WQM100
Project WET - Water Celebration! A Handbook
A Water Celebration is a 1&endash;3 day event, organized to entertain and educate a community, school, or single class about the importance of water. This 32-page Handbook provides schedules, funding suggestions, sample letters, flyers, press releases, and ideas for games, exhibits and presentations. Cost: $3.50 Catalog # WET030
Cross Cultural Watershed Partners Activities Manual
By William Stapp, Margaret Pennock and Timothy Donahue. Contains activities designed for use in an inter-cultural watershed education program, and suggestions on how to structure a cross-cultural exchange around watershed themes. Cost: $14.95 Catalog # EDU010
Adventures in Water Education Curriculum
Curriculum with a wide range of activities in science, social studies, art, and language arts. Activities focus on the water cycle, groundwater, pollution, and solid waste. The 28 suggested activities come with worksheets, lists of easy-to-find materials, a glossary, and background information. Grades K&endash;6. From the Ecology Center. Cost: $12.00 Catalog # EDU020
Water Wise: Lessons in Water Resources
Teacher/Leader manual includes information and activities focusing on properties of water, the water cycle, groundwater and surface water, water treatment and water purification. Includes background for instructors, answer keys, activities, and activity sheets for grades 5&endash; 9. From Cornell Cooperative Extension. Cost: $6.95 Catalog # EDU030
Water Worlds
Explore and observe aquatic environments, using a member's guide for youth ages 9&endash;12 and a leader's guide with tips, techniques, and activity sheets in a reusable pocket folder. Information on how to create an aquarium or saltwater world is included. From Cornell Cooperative Extension. Cost: $5.95 Catalog # EDU060
Watershed: A Successful Voyage Into Integrative Learning
A fully integrative curriculum is achievable&emdash;in an ordinary public school! For seven years it has been a reality in Radnor (PA) Middle School. Through these pages, walk with Mark Springer and Ed Silcox as they turn a vision into a full-day, full-year, experimental program. Through Mark's engaging narrative, this special book will let you share in their frustration and their triumphs. From the National Middle School Association. Cost: $25.95 Catalog # EDU080
Video Resources
This new VHS video describes GREEN's innovative approach to education, illustrated by inspiring stories and scenes from schools and communities working together to improve education and the lives of people. It's a great way to introduce teachers, students, community members, and potential supporters to our global network and watershed education in action. Full color, 10 minutes. Cost: $25.00 Catalog # VID005
Water Quality Monitoring Videotapes
Eight VHS videotapes (ranging from 5&endash;16 minutes in length) illustrate each of the water quality tests outlined in the Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring (10th Edition or earlier). Useful for group learning as well as for individualized learning by volunteer field assistants. Cost: $99.95 Catalog # VID010
SOS for American Streams
28-minute VHS video which demonstrates SOS (Save Our Streams) monitoring techniques, provides close-ups of macroinvertebrates, and shows how to adopt a stream. From the Izaak Walton League of America. Cost: $19.95 Catalog # VID020
Introduction to Our Global Environment - World Resources Institute
Incisive, informative 10-minute VHS video offers high school students and teachers new to the field of environment an excellent introduction to global change and the kinds of actions necessary to insure environmental sustainability over the long term. Cost: $14.95 Catalog # WRI070
Fresh Water
15&endash;minute VHS Video, produced by the award-winning students of Freshwater High School in Sydney, Australia. Inspirational video showcases the GREEN watershed educational model in action. From NSW Water Board and Streamwatch Australia. Cost: $25.00 Catalog # ACT050
Air Quality Monitoring And Education
Air Pollution: Ozone Study and Action
By Jeffrey Frank, Gail Luera, and William Stapp. Contains information and activities for teachers to help move students from awareness and knowledge of air pollution and ozone, to a point where they will be empowered to take action in their own lives and in their communities. Cost: $19.95 Catalog # AIR005
Eco-Badge Smog Patrol Kit
Kit includes Eco-Badge one hour test blocker, vinyl strap clip, colormetric chart, 5 chemically-treated filter papers, ozone fact sheet, and an instruction sheet with conversion table. Registered trademark of Vistanomics. Cost: $18.95 Catalog # AIR020
Global Environment Resources
World Resources Institute -- Teacher's Guide
Aimed at high school teachers, this 160-page guide contains lesson plans, student activities, student handouts, and overhead transparency masters. Features in this new edition include Car Trouble; Women, Equity, and Sustainable Development; and India and China. Indexed to Goals 2000 draft national performance standards. 8 1/2 x 11 loose-leaf paper. Cost: $17.95 Catalog # WRI010
World Resources Institute -- Basic Units
Updated popular chapters from previous editions of the Teacher's Guide, now available as individual units. Each loose-leaf unit introduces teaching objectives, lesson plans, student handouts, overhead transparency masters, and suggestions for further reading.
- Watershed Pollution. Cost: $4.95 Catalog # WRI020
- Oceans and Coasts. Cost: $4.95 Catalog # WRI025
- Citizen Action. Cost: $4.95 Catalog # WRI030
- Natural Resource Economics. Cost: $4.95 Catalog # WRI040
Problem Solving / Action Taking
Environmental Education for Empowerment
Edited by William Stapp, Arjen E.J. Wals, and Sheri L. Stankorb. This manual enables students, teachers, administrators, and others to effectively participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of educational activities aimed at resolving environmental issues of local relevance. Cost: $19.95 Catalog # ACT005
Investigating Streams and Rivers
Edited by William Stapp, Mare Cromwell, David Schmidt, and Andy Alm. Curriculum of 10 activities promotes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding local watersheds. Focuses on student action-taking, and enhancing student involvement through computer conferences. Good supplement to the Field Manual for Water Quality Monitoring. Cost: $14.95 Catalog # ACT010
Storm Drain Stencils
Used in community watershed action projects involving students or adults. Stenciled messages on the street help prevent dumping of used oil, antifreeze, litter, etc. down storm drains. Stencil by the storm drain grate to inform local residents where their storm water and waste really go...into their river. Sturdy reusable mylar stencils carry the image of a fish and read, "Dump No Waste &emdash; Drains to River." From Earthwater Stencils. Cost: $17.00 each, $95 for a classroom set of 6 stencils, or $340 for a set of 25. Catalog # ACT070
Give Water a Hand - Site Action Guide & Leader's Guidebook
Give Water a Hand is an annual event which gives youth an opportunity to become involved in community water projects. The guide offers instruction in taking an inventory of water issues at a specific site, talking to water experts about the issues, working with partners to plan and implement a project, and writing a report of actions. In addition, special guides are included for four different action sites: farm and ranch, home, school, and community. Developed by the University of Wisconsin, Environmental Resources Center. Cost: $7.95 Catalog # ACT020
Kid's Guide to Social Action
By Barbara A. Lewis. Everything kids need to make a difference in the world: step-by-step directions for letter-writing, interviewing, fundraising, speech making, media coverage and more. Includes 22 reproducible handout masters. Ages 10 and up. Cost: $14.95 Catalog # ACT030
Kid's Guide to Service Projects
By Barbara A. Lewis. This handbook will inspire young people of all ages to get involved and make a difference. More than 500 ideas range from simple service projects to large-scale commitments that involve entire communities. Included are topics such as animal welfare, community development, the environment, and safety. Cost: $10.95 Catalog # ACT040
Water is Life: Student Environmental Congress Manual
By Colin and Sue Lennox. Manual outlines strategies for organizing and facilitating a student congress, thereby empowering students to take action. Various outcomes of pilot student congresses held during 1994 are explored in detail. Cost: $15.95 Catalog # ACT060
Environmental Action -- Water Conservation
By E2: Environment & Education. A science-based, interdisciplinary curriculum on how to conduct environmental audits, for middle and secondary school students. Provides students and teachers with a step-by-step process for learning about environmental issues and their impact on human health and environmental quality.
Water Conservation Teacher Resource Guide
Cost: $13.95 Catalog # ACT080Water Conservation Student Edition
Cost: $5.95 Catalog # ACT075
Program Assessment
The 1993/94 Watershed Education Assessment Summary
Documents and evaluates model work in watershed education. Includes information about aspects of the seven participating projects which illustrates and substantiates the value of a watershed education approach. Cost: $14.95 Catalog # PRA010
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