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About the Global Lab Curriculum Funding Sources for Schools There are numerous grant programs specifically targeted at supporting schools that are integrating technology into the classroom. This list includes programs that seem most relevant to Global Lab classrooms. Many of the sites listed below will link you to additional funding sources. Please take care to note the deadlines. Send us YOUR funding ideas! Informally we hear stories about teachers who have cleverly scrounged money to fund their participation in Global Lab. Please take a few minutes to email us your story -- it may provide the right spark for another GL teacher to seek funding! [email protected]Funding Web Site http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/top/grants.html This is an excellent ongoing source of information about funding targeted to schools. Funding Bulletin One of the best ways to keep track of new opportunities is through a subscription to the weekly bulletin Education Grants Alert published by Capitol Publications, Inc. Your school or district may already receive a subscription to this excellent information source! 800-655-5597Funding Information Web Site This site includes references to articles and bibliographies related to technology planning, information about financing and funding technology, and "case studies" of various schools' strategies for supporting technology. They also describe a new Funding Sourcebook by Arlene Krebs that can be ordered online at amazon.com. http://www.mcrel.org/connect/tech/funding.htmlNSF Connections to the Internet This NSF program is looking to fund innovative ways to hook elementary and secondary schools to the Internet. These are small, two-year grants to schools with new ideas to use technology for Internet hook-ups. Applicants must propose innovative ways to use technologies not widely commercially available (wireless digital transceivers, cable television). http://www.cise.nsf.gov/ncri/nsf96-64.htmlNational Endowment for the Humanities The NEH sponsors a program called Teaching with Technology designed to fund three types of projects: materials development, field testing & classroom applications, and teacher preparation for integrating technology into the classroom. http://www.neh.fed.us/AT&T Learning Network Grants These grants support education programs that focus on the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. Also at the contact site below are numerous incentive programs AT&T offers its employees for involvement with civic and educational institutions, including matching grants and the AT&T Cares program. http://www.att.com/foundation/guide.html#educTelecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program Keep an eye on the contact site listed below for current deadline information! http://www.ntia.doc.govState Education Resources The contact site below will connect you with a map of education resources by state. Some of these resources may be appropriate for funding work in your school. http://www.ed.gov/programs.html#mapEquipment Requests & Sources Computing Edge maintains a site, listed below, where schools can register equipment needs and where those with excess equipment can make donations. Though it's mostly requests rather than donations, if you have a hardware need it may be worthwhile to put your name on the list! http://www.kidsource.com/kidsource/pages/donation.htmlContact: Global Lab � 1997-98 TERC. All rights reserved. |