

Web Sites

Global Lab
Registration & Order Forms

To participate in Global Lab, download, complete
and submit the following two forms:

Adobe pdf Icon Global Lab Registration Form (In Adobe Acrobat � Format)
This forms is the first step in participating in next school year's Global Lab Curriculum. When submitting the Registration Form, be sure to include an Order Form, as well.

Adobe pdf Icon Global Lab Order Form (In Adobe Acrobat � Format)
Use this form to order supplies and materials for the Global Lab Curriculum. Include this form when submitting the Registration Form.

Get Acrobat Reader Get Adobe Acrobat Reader �
Adobe Acrobat � is free and is available from the Adobe Web site. It available for both Macintosh and Windows computers.

Otherwise, send email to [email protected] to request a faxed version of the form(s) you need. Be sure to include your fax number.

Contact: Global Lab

1997-98 TERC. All rights reserved.