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  1. Biografia �n "Dictionary of Scientific Biography" (New York 1970-1990);

  2. Biografia �n "Encyclopaedia Britannica".


  1. B.L.Cline, "The Questioners: Physicists and the Quantum Theory" (1965);

  2. Louis de Broglie que nous avons connu, "Fondation Louis de Broglie" (Paris, 1998);

Lucrari dedicate:

  1. Jean-Pierre Vigier, "Louis de Broglie-physicist and thinker;

  2. Georges Lochak, "The evolution of the ideas of Louis de Broglie on the interpretation of wave mechanics";

  3. Alwyn van der Merwe, "editorial poscript to 'The evolution of the ideas of Louis de Broglie on the interpretation of wave mechanics';

  4. O. Costa de Beauregard, "Reminiscences of my early association with Louis de Broglie";

  5. Karl Popper, "A critical note on the greatest days of quantum theory"

  6. J. Andrade e Silva, "On the contribution of Louis de Broglie to the quantum theory of measurement";

  7. J.S.Bell, "On the impossible pilot wave";

  8. D.J.Bohm and B.J.Hiley, "The de Broglie pilot wave theory and the further development of new insights arising out of it";

  9. L. de la Pena and A.M.Cetto, "Does quantum mechanics accept a stochastic support?";

  10. Stanley P.Gudder, "Survey of a quark model";

  11. Ph. Gueret and J-P.Vigier, "de Broglie's wave-particle duality in the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics: a testable physical assumption";

  12. Mioara Muger-Schachter, "elucidation of the probabilistic structure of quantum mechanics and definition of a compatible joint probability";

  13. F.Selleri, "On the direct observability of quantum waves";

  14. H-H. v. Borzeszkowski and H-J. Treder, "Quantum theory and Einstein's general relativity".


  1. A.Abragam, "Louis de Broglie: la grandeur et la solitude", La Recherche 245 (1992), 918-923.

  2. S.Colombo, "Louis de Broglie 1892-1987", Revue des questions scientifiques 162 (1991), 349-359

  3. M.Eberhardt, "La France a perdu un genie", Science et vie 836 (1987), 10-25, 160.

  4. Giutton, "Le duc Louis de Broglie: temoignage sur l'homme que j'ai connu", Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences 9 (1992), 331-334.

  5. L.Michel, "Louis de Broglie: le savant", La Recherche 245 (1992), 923-.


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