These are demonstrations of basic physics principles, written for use in a web-based physics course being prepared by Wolfgang Bauer, WalterBenenson, Gerd Kortemeyer, and Gary Westfall.

Air Track Simulation

Projectile Launcher


The Atwood Machine


Newton's Balls

Wave Interference

Interface Optics

Vector Addition

Net Force



Electric Potential Field

These applets were written during my summer at SRI, where I was working on educational projects regarding atmospheric physics.

Waves, Frequency, and Wavelength

BLackbody Radiation (Still being written)

These simulations were written as a part of my job for Professor Wolfgang Bauer. Prof. Bauer studies various aspects of nonlinear (chaotic) systems.


Lorenz Attractor

The following simulation was written for my Partial Differential Equations Class, taught by Professor Charles MacCluer.

The Pepperoni Problem (Heat Diffusion)


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